Generator Microgrid Installation Using Bundled Cable in West Texas

Estimated Time Savings
Mesa Natural Gas Solutions is a best-in-class responsible power solutions company that specializes in manufacturing, installing, and operating natural gas and propane-powered generators. Mesa helps their customers increase up-time, lower costs and emissions, and decrease their carbon footprint. Mesa manufactures generators to operate at the highest level in any climate. That’s why they were chosen for this specialized project, and why they chose to work with One-Pull Bundled Wire to get it done.
Mesa was approached by a leading oil and natural gas company with a problem: one of their sites in West Texas needed a large amount of power for 15 electronic submersible pumps. The site also produced a large amount of associated gas (natural gas found along with oil) that they couldn’t sell on the market. If they couldn’t use the gas then they would have to flare it off, increasing emissions.
Mesa had to quickly build a natural gas microgrid system in West Texas terrain that met their client’s exact specifications.
The Mesa team needed control wiring capable of meeting their demands. They contacted One-Pull Wire and Cable to see how bundled cable could help.
Mesa used bundled cable to avoid having to pull control cables through flexible conduits for temporary installation. They avoided having to cut conduit, cut conductors, or pull conductors on site. And the end result was a strong water-tight seal with their cable glands, which Mesa required in a demanding environment like this.
Compared to other large sites and teams like this, Mesa estimates they saved at least 10 hours in installation time by avoiding the need to cut and pull conductors. But they started saving on time and labor before the installation began. The bundled cable they purchased from One-Pull was the same price they used to pay for their raw materials, which immediately reduced labor.
We were able to purchase the one-pull bundled cable for the same price of all of our previous raw materials, which is a big win with the reduced labor involved.
Another value added impact from using bundled cable is the well being of Mesa’s employees. Pulling cable can strain your back, and it doesn’t get easier in a West Texas summer. Hours of labor saved are hours of strain avoided.
I recommend this product for applications like ours, and we will continue to purchase this solution. -– Chris Piasecki, Chief Technology Officer, Mesa NGS